Nia, an internationally acclaimed practice for over 30 years.
Nia is now taught in 49 countries around the world. Awakening the senses, Nia teaches you to love your body and your life. Here in Australia, Nia is shared with enthusiasm by a lively community that has grown organically since 2004.
Check out the Events page for the latest workshops, gatherings, retreats and trainings Australia-wide. Explore the Blog below for community news and stories.
4th October, 2021 in Body-Mind, Mental Health
One of the perks of being a psychologist is that I learn ways to improve and maintain mental health. As a teacher of Nia I know that it plays a big part in keeping me both mentally and physically well.
To understand how participating in a Nia class creates mental wellness and happiness, let’s look to research from Positive Psychology.
This tells us that there are three sources of happiness – pleasure, flow and meaning (Seligman, 2002)
A healthy diet of happiness includes all three sources . In my experience, being a Nia participant taps all three (and even more so as a teacher of Nia).
The first source of happiness is a PLEASANT LIFE – one where we engage in doing things that give us pleasure. We get a quick hit of happiness by doing things such as eating a favourite food, drinking a favourite drink, watching a movie, shopping, gaming and, of course, moving to music in a Nia class. All these actions make us feel good at the time. However, the happy feelings may not last for long.
5th September, 2021 in Body-Mind, Mental Health
Science affirms what we intuitively know – that feeling connected is essential for our physical health and mental wellbeing. In this time of lockdowns, social isolation and physical distancing take time to tune in and ask yourself “what do I need?” Allowing whatever you feel to be moved and expressed is medicine for body mind and spirit.
Go gently on yourself… remember you’re doing the best you can!
Here are 5 simple science-backed self-care strategies to give your body, brain and mood a boost!
1. Move your body! Exercise improves memory, learning and concentration. Moderate intensity movement, sustained over time, promotes the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which causes nerve cells to grow and make new connections. It also helps improve your mood, boost your energy, and reduce stress in your body and mind. Read More >
We all have different opinions, beliefs and fears about what is going on in in our country and the world, but one thing I’m sure we can all agree on is that it has certainly taken its toll on our body, mind, emotions and spirits.
Financial stress, being socially isolated, feeling like I can’t express myself authentically and anxiety around what the future may hold, have all had a significant impact on my own physical and mental health over the past 18 months. I have personally gained 30kg since January 2020, putting me at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I have judged and beat myself up for this, telling myself “Erica, you know better. What are you doing to yourself?” I have set the intention to “start the diet” every Monday for the past 18 months and every time I don’t follow through, I judge myself more which just makes it worse.
4th July, 2021 in Body-Mind, Nia Community
Have you been thinking about your body’s immune system and what it needs to stay balanced in order to do its job most efficiently?
Like many of us, you may be navigating through both emotional and physical hurdles. What about taking time to tend to your well-being with a spotlight on your nervous system? The sensations of a state of ‘fight – flight – freeze’ (governed by the sympathetic nervous system) might be tightness in the chest, shallow breath, increased heart rate, joint pain, fear, sadness or anger. These are signs to reach into your Nia bag of energetic movement tools and utilise what is needed in order to return to a place of balance, and back to a state of ‘rest and digest’ (parasympathetic nervous system).
The variety of offerings, whether they be online Nia classes, offerings or the tools learned in any and all belt trainings, allow for the return of balance, health, peace and feeling good. Read More >
30th May, 2021 in Nia Community, Nia White Belt Training
My White Belt Experience – by Giulia Ponticello
What was your biggest takeaway from this training?
There have been so many takeaways, where do I start! Being able to attend the unique experience of the White Belt ‘in person’ training was extraordinary in these times. I gained a new awareness of my body and my body’s way in moving. I was able to relax into awareness of my body and appreciated connecting to sensation gained through the repetition of movement katas (movement patterns). I learned to trust my body, to listen and feel the movements, giving myself permission to stay longer in the movement to open to potential and possibility.
15th April, 2021 in Nia Community
Let’s Make the Most of Every Chance to Dance Together
Three new routines are produced by Nia Headquarters each year. One of those routines is released to the Nia Teacher Membership on the very last day of the year, and it’s like receiving a Christmas present! The most recent one is called 2GETHER.
The name 2GETHER came from Debbie Rosas’s daughter who suggested how in this time of separation, people are hungry to be together again. A reminder that we are all connected.
Being able to get together in person and in class is something I am deeply grateful for, knowing that others may still not be able to, and also knowing that things can change very quickly and one day we may not be able to.
4th September, 2020 in Nia Community
An Interview with artist, Annica Malmkvist who designed the Nia Swish on our apparel collection
In 2018 Nia Australia commissioned Brisbane artist Annica Malmkvist to design the artwork for our first apparel collection. That was such a success we again commissioned her late last year for our Spring design also. Below you will learn about Annica’s story and the inspiration behind her artwork.
Please share with us a little of your story?
I was born in Sweden but since 2005 I have called Brisbane home. I recently celebrated my 15th anniversary of living in Australia – that was on the 19th August. It is a very special date for me, as it is also my sister’s birthday.
Moving here 15 years ago with my partner, the intention was for us to only stay one year, as he had secured employment here. Through sponsorship, I was able to join him in Australia. It wasn’t long before I started on my own next life chapter and began training in Kahuna Massage on the Sunshine Coast and continued training there for many years.
28th August, 2020 in Nia Belt Trainings, Nia White Belt Training
With many classes moving to an online platform, we have now moved our Nia White Belt Training online too for the foreseeable future. In this Blog Post, we want to share with you seven reasons why being part of this immersion is a wonderful way to experience this popular training.
1. There’s no place like home.
Receive the magic and connection of a Nia Training, with comfort, privacy and convenience. Participants have reported that it helps deepen their existing practice and supports establishing a new routine when they are guided in their own home (or wherever you feel safe to come as you are).
14th March, 2020 in Body-Mind
Every little cell in my body is healthy…every little cell…
We are facing unprecedented health challenges on a global scale, over which we have very little control. A lack of control can generate fear. Fear generates physiological and psychological stress responses. And prolonged stress lowers your immune system effectiveness, making you more susceptible to viral infections.
One way to temporarily feel more in control is to act out of the fear… to panic-buy toilet paper or tuna (the man in front of me at Woolworths yesterday had 50 tins)… but on the other side of that, you probably will still feel stressed… only with a very full pantry. Research suggests that while stress can drive materialism, shopping as a coping mechanism does not release stress.
5th December, 2019 in Community News, Nia Practice
Name of Nia teacher/community you dance with most regularly:
Tracy Bastian Adelaide Hills/ Bridgewater & Mt BarkerOccupation/profession:
Self employed biodynamic Orchardist /educator and Natural fibre artist. Trying to retire may have reached sort of semi retired state at present.If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would that word be?
Resilient -
Find out what brings you Joy and do it more often…
Stalk what steals your Joy and give it less attention.
Sounds simple enough. But the way our brains are wired… we tend to focus on the negative. Our “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous systems are being flooded daily by external and internal stressors, real and imagined. There’s so much going on in the world that is beyond our control and these are troubling times for our planet and many who are suffering and struggling.
1st November, 2019 in Nia Practice, Nia White Belt Training
I was introduced to Nia less than two years ago. I have the pleasure of both practicing Nia as a student and also representing Nia as a client. My role is to manage Nia Australia’s social media and email marketing and assist in their overall marketing strategy.
I knew that I wanted to attend the White Belt Training quite quickly into my journey with Nia, but I was also conscious not to rush into it.
For me, it was important that the time was right.
This simply meant that I was ready to immerse myself fully into the training so I could receive what I needed to receive.
Today I want to take you on my journey.
4th September, 2019 in Nia Practice, Nia White Belt Training
I know you! I know who you are.
You’re the student in class who teaches in your mind. You already have a class behind you. And in your imagination, you are there teaching them.
And you love to dance! “I could do this”, you think.
Then that other little voice comes in. It plants a seed of doubt.
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5th August, 2019 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
In a society that generally promotes an image of health, fitness, beauty and power that is air-brushed, ageless, homogenous and unattainable, Nia says, ‘Come as you are, in your glorious wholeness and imperfection, learn to listen to your body’s wisdom, be kind to yourself, and dance like no one’s watching.
No more apologies, guilt, comparison or shame.
What if ‘Health’ was about choosing Joy and expansive self-love…
What if ‘Fitness’ was measured as your capacity for pleasure playfully expressed…
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1st July, 2019 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
Nia welcomes us at the door and says come as you are…
We all know, pretty much, what it takes to be healthy.
Good food, exercise, plenty of sleep, meaningful connections – bonus points for happiness, fulfilment and joy.
But in our modern world, it takes a gargantuan effort to keep up with all these ‘to do’s’ especially with so many other things blaring at us for attention.
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5th June, 2019 in Nia Community
#dance4dignity 2019
Earlier this year we saw the power of our Nia Australia commUNITY and this was demonstrated once again with grace and generosity as 26 community classes came together to #dance4dignity to raise much-needed funds for Share the Dignity.
Every day, 48,000 Australian women face another night with nowhere to call home.
Not only did this wonderful event raise money it also raised awareness of the issues faced by women and girls experiencing homelessness, domestic violence and period poverty.
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“If music be the food of love, play on.” Willliam Shakespeare
I can’t imagine life without music.
Music can make your heart sing or make your heart cry. Music has the power to bring back such strong memories you feel like you are reliving the moment. Music is primal, emotive, sensual – it can energise and excite or relax and soothe.
And above all … it can make you want to dance!!
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2nd April, 2019 in Nia Community
One of the most wonderful benefits of practising Nia is the commUNITY of beautiful souls you meet along the way.
It could be your teacher, your class members, other teachers, your students or even the many trainers who visit us from all over the world.
The heart of Nia is JOY.
This is the strongest when we come together.
This happened in March when 42 people came together for The Gathering, in Berry NSW.
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Love the skin you are in!
It’s a simple statement filled with gratitude for the body that you have now. Yet as simple as it may seem, the embodiment of this statement is sometimes easier said
then done.For as long as I can remember, I have been experiencing the ups and downs of the relationship I have with my body. On some days I feel confident and completely at ease with my body. While other days I look down at my body with displeasure and frustration, spending the day avoiding mirrors, for I know I will not like what I see.
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11th February, 2019 in Community News, Nia Community
It has been a number of years since Nia Australia has hosted its annual Gathering and as our community grows we wanted to offer the opportunity for us to come together to connect, learn and grow.
The Gathering is a two-night, two-day experience for our Nia Australia Community Member or Teacher Members. It will be held in Berry NSW on the 22nd-24th March 2019.
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4th February, 2019 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
The term creativity refers to the ability to produce something both new and valuable in an innovative way. Related to this is self-expression where you infuse your personality, feelings, and opinions even down to clothing and how you “wear yourself!”
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19th December, 2018 in Nia Belt Trainings
In this Blog Post, our President Helen Suchting, interviews Australia’s White Belt Trainer, Sophie Marsh on all things White Belt.
Read More >
You can watch the video interview here, or read about it below the video. -
Nia White Belt offers a 7-day immersion into the Art of Sensation for self-discovery, self-healing and self-mastery.
The Training is an internationally recognised course of somatic (meaning body-centred) education. Yes, you will move a lot but it’s not all high energy cardio dance class. This is embodied learning, a well-crafted balance between cognitive and experiential journeying … Listening to your body … learning from it … consciously tracking pain and pleasure and then choosing to be kind to your body, to move with the joy of movement and feel the power of your aliveness.
1st October, 2018 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
“Turbulence and divisiveness can distort our minds, leaving us susceptible to the contagion of fear. Like the common cold virus, fear is all around us….and none of us is immune.”
The easiest way I know to build immunity against fear (and the cold virus!) is to raise our vibration with Joy, individually and collectively. Nia’s foundational principle, Joy of Movement, is more than just feeling happy. This Joy is an expansive life-affirming energy that can sit beside any emotion.
4th September, 2018 in Body-Mind
I take a deep breath, feel the space around me, take my time there is no rush, it is in, my time in Natural Time.
Exhale enjoy the movement, the sensation of living in a body that moves, senses and is there for me.
Take a deep breath, sense how my body is feeling, how the energy is flowing around. Is there resistance? comfort? ease?
Tune in to these sensations as it is my body my awareness of my sensory being.
These sensations are the teachers on how I will move today. To be in my body and trust my body. Exhale, feel the fluidity in my body, the juices running into all my joints and digits exploring high, median and low, taking my body around my body feeling back and front.
2nd August, 2018 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
When we think about Medicine we often conjure up thoughts of bottles of pills, prescriptions, potions and many other things prescribed to us to make us feel better, to heal from an illness or prevent us from getting sick.
What about if we switched the concept of medicine as we know it and think about how movement can heal our bodies, mind and spirit.
This is precisely why the theme for this year’s National Playshop – Movement is Medicine. At this Australia-wide event we will be guiding those participating to sense “movement as medicine”, experiencing the healing and conditioning power of moving your body in ways that feel good to you.
To explore this concept a little deeper we asked our teacher community what Movement is Medicine means to them. We have broken their thoughts into a few key areas:
30th June, 2018 in Nia Community
Nia is more than a practice, it’s a community
If you are on Facebook you may have noticed a few people sharing a video about community. It is titled – ‘What we do together matters’ – a video celebrating community.
It pulls up your photos and has this text overlay over the video;
What we do together matters
Community means a lot
but it’s different all over the world
whoever you ask,
one things is always the same.
It’s what we do for each other
that makes community matter. -
17th December, 2017 in Community News, Nia Belt Trainings
The Power of Two: Open Nia classes with Sophie Marsh + Laurie Bass
Are you ready to start 2018 feeling inspired to BE the best version of yourself, to listen more to your own inner wisdom, to understand your body’s voice and learn how to move and live with more awareness, pleasure and purpose? For the first time in nearly 6 years, the Nia White Belt training in Brisbane 5-11 January will be led by two members of the International Nia Training Faculty – Laurie Bass from Portland Oregon and Nia Australia Trainer, Sophie Marsh. Read More >
16th August, 2016 in Body-Mind, Nia Practice
Health, fitness, beauty + power
In a society that generally promotes an image of health, fitness, beauty and power that is air-brushed, ageless, homogenous and unattainable, Nia says, ‘Come as you are, in your glorious wholeness and imperfection, learn to listen to your body’s wisdom, be kind to yourself, and dance like no one’s watching.
22nd July, 2016 in FAQ and Tips, Nia Belt Trainings
What IS the Nia White Belt?
Imagine a week of tuning into your own body and moving in a way that feels good. In the Nia ‘training bubble’, you’re invited to leave distractions behind and connect with other like-minded people of all ages and experience, as you explore ‘The Body’s Way’ and ‘Your Body’s Way’. Learn to let go of the ‘have to’ voice of your mind and drop into authentic being, guided by the voice of your body.
17th May, 2016 in Body-Mind
Remember the floor is your friend: Maintaining Mobility as We Grow Old
‘Are you comfortable down there on the floor?’ my sister, who is younger than me by several years, asked while we sat around with Mum, Dad, our other sisters and their husbands. We were talking about the physical ‘woes’ of getting old. I was sitting on the floor, as I often do and always have and looked up at her and answered truthfully with a ‘YES’.
16th October, 2015 in Nia Practice
Music, Movement, Magic
Many of our Nia students come from the medical and physiotherapy professions. As a barefoot practice, grounded in increasing the movement options available to the body, Nia creates pathways to optimal well-being and is adaptable for all. Mandi Cavallaro, was recently interviewed by one of her students, a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, to explain a little bit more about Nia for the new student…
13th October, 2015 in Community News
Embrace your Uniqueness within Community
Nia Australia is offering three playshops, in three States, on one day! On Sunday the 25th of October, we will be coming together to move, receive and share Nia, as we weave our magic across the land, in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. Each playshop creating the space for you to share, explore, play, collaborate, connect and dance with community.
30th August, 2015 in Nia Practice
Awareness – A Parable
Once upon a time …
there was a little girl who loved to sing, dance and frolic through the fields gathering brightly coloured flowers, warm stones that twinkled in the sun, and any other treasures that interested her curious little mind.
24th July, 2015 in Music & Videos
Feel Good, Look Good
“I feel fantastic, I feel really in my body and I feel my body is alive. I can sense my skin and my muscles and my bones, tingling, feeling. It’s always important to feel good first. The body wants to feel good and when the body feels good it looks so good; it brings a smile to my face.” Fantastic!
22nd July, 2015 in FAQ and Tips
Tips for Beginners
Here are our Tips for Beginners, to help you get the most out of your Nia movement experience.
- Bring a water bottle and dress to move. When you dance, wear anything that makes you feel free, comfortable and excited to move. Yoga clothing, dance or exercise wear or even a skirt changes the way you move, feel and workout.
20th July, 2015 in FAQ and Tips
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are our FAQ. Feel free to email or call a teacher directly or Contact us if you have any more questions. Nia classes are adaptable for all ages, body types and fitness abilities. Everybody is welcome!