Our Community In Our Words

The most rewarding part of having a Nia community .. 

“I feel deep passion when I dance with my Nia tribe.

The energy in the room sometimes brings me to tears of joy. 

Thank you Nia x” Mandy Loveday


“Sisterhood” Leah Sage Alexander


“There is no competition in Nia. We are here to

support and elevate our whole tribe

for the growth of our community 🙂 gratitude x”

Yvette Connors


“Dancing through life with Nia.

Nia brings joy, connections and happiness.

Nia you rock our world.”

Giulia Ponticello


“A sense of coming home.

A sense of belonging.”

Tiffany Tyler-Dignam


“Connection through movement –

with & without words to like-minded others.”

Patricia Shaw 


“One of my favourite Nia expressions is:

Love Your Body. Love Your Life.

Nia’s vibe attracts my Tribe.”

Julie Bartley


“Acceptance and freedom.”

Anita Pulie


“A wonderful feeling of

connection, authenticity and trust.”

Sue Logan


“Joy and acceptance!”

Sherry Fletcher


“Joy of Movement,

self-expression and community.”

John Marchant


“Dancing through life for every body,

in your body’s way.”

Esther Oliver


“Joy! Freedom! Life force energy!

Connection & Compassion!”

Julia Groening


“Acceptance. Awareness .Authenticity.”

Janet Walker


“I think the word is love – love for body,

love for CommUnity,

embracing welcome and acceptance and inclusion

Big love

because we cause each other to shine .”

Carolyn Jeanneret


“Shared passion,

shared vision and a

loving spirit of collaboration.

We Are One.”

Sophie Marsh




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