Imagine a week of tuning into your own body and moving in a way that feels good. In the Nia ‘training bubble’, you’re invited to leave distractions behind and connect with other like-minded people of all ages and experience, as you explore ‘The Body’s Way’ and ‘Your Body’s Way’. Learn to let go of the ‘have to’ voice of your mind and drop into authentic being, guided by the voice of your body.
The White Belt offers an immersion into the Art of Sensation for self-discovery, self-healing and self-mastery. The Training is an internationally recognised course of somatic (meaning body-centred) education. Yes, you will move a lot but it’s not all high energy cardio dance class. This is embodied learning, a well-crafted balance between cognitive and experiential journeying … Listening to your body … learning from it … consciously tracking pain and pleasure and then choosing to be kind to your body, to move with the joy of movement and feel the power of your aliveness. Perhaps that is why everyone is glowing at the end. The White Belt awakens your vitality and connection to your body and reminds you via sensation what an incredible vehicle it is.
“I went into it hoping that I would simply deepen my knowledge of Nia and my body. What I finished with on the final day were the greatest gifts I have ever given to myself. For the first time in my life, I experienced compassion for my self, deep love for my self, forgiveness of my self and a sense of joy and fulfillment that made me glow from the inside out. Thank you Nia, thank you Sophie Marsh and thank you to all the beautiful sisters I shared that special week with.” Trish Donnelly
Why would you do it?
To say yes to yourself! For pure pleasure. To feel better. To optimize health at any age. To gift yourself a complete immersion in being. To lay the foundation for living well in a body. To teach Nia or not to teach Nia. For personal enrichment. For community connection.
“I had wanted to do the White Belt for a few years before the timing worked out, which made me so excited to finally take it! The White Belt experience was even more amazing than I expected. The way the group came together was beautiful. I loved the chance to be ‘with myself’ as well. Doing the While Belt was a real gift to myself.” Amy Greatbanks
Can you do it if you’ve never done Nia before?
YES!!! There’s always someone at White Belt who feels drawn to the training without even knowing what it is exactly… who trusts ‘that inner voice’ and is ready to transform their relationship with their body and life. We also hear lots of stories like … I’m not fit enough, I’m too this or that … I’m not this or that etc. The truth is that if you are reading this, you are alive, curious and desiring ‘something more’. That makes you eminently eligible for the White Belt.
“I did White Belt without ever having done Nia before and not seeing myself as a dancer… I loved the experience. It felt like I was feeding my soul and the sense of community with my Nia sisters was wonderful. I also made a life long friend in the process who I treasure.” Sherry Fletcher
To teach or not to teach … sharing Nia after your White Belt
The White Belt focuses on the Art of Sensation with the intention to embody the foundational principles of Nia. Upon completion you may have a great desire to share this practice with everyone you meet! If you want to teach Nia, the White Belt is your first step. If you don’t want to teach, Nia’s lifestyle practices will inspire your ‘Dance Through Life’ and you will receive so much more depth when you go to class or in your home practice.
You can begin teaching Nia after completing the White Belt and becoming a Livelihood Member, which is an additional fee. The membership gives you a teaching license and materials to continue your White Belt journey and learn, embody and share Nia classes.
“I walked into my White Belt saying I didn’t want to teach, couldn’t possibly do it, all stories in my head, and I walked out saying YES I can and will teach Nia!’ Five years on my practice and skill as a teacher has deepened and I keep coming back again and again to what I learnt at the White Belt.” Ann Boon
What comes after the White Belt?
You might find you’re yearning for more and more of the feeling you had while you were in the Nia bubble in your White Belt. You’ll want to dance with your co-White Belters, dance in your living room, on the beach, anywhere! You’ll find you see your whole life in a new light.
You don’t need to have already done the White Belt before you take a Nia class, but it will sure transform your experience afterwards. You’ll have a whole new body-centred appreciation of the profound depth of Nia.
Can I come back and do the White Belt more than once?
YES! There is so much for you to explore…so many layers and complexity in the design of the body itself (we call it The Body’s Way). Plus there is the individuality that every single person brings to their unique experience of living in a body (we call it Your Body’s Way). Nia provides a space of non-judgment and permission and offers a never-ending spiral of possibility and learning when it comes to moving your body. There is ALWAYS something new to experience in the White Belt.
I travelled to Portland (Nia HQ) to do my White Belt for the third time. When I came home, the daily busy-ness of life returned but when I stepped back in to teach my class two weeks later – WOW – there was a whole new layer, so much juice, so much embodiment.. it was a whole new experience. YES I got a lot from doing White Belt again.” Meggie Danielson
Really? Can anybody do it? What if I have an injury or I’m unfit or unwell?
“Sandy Capps was a student in my classes for several years and for the last 2 years inspired us with her determination, courage and spirit as she battled an inoperable brain tumour. She often expressed that with her Nia tribe she felt safe and held to just be. Nia was an important part of her treatment and she danced in weekly classes in her own body’s way. Last November Sandy took the White Belt in Brisbane, giving me a new appreciation of what it means to “always do your best.” Today I am grieving her loss and celebrating her life.” Sophie Marsh
2018 Nia Australia White Belts
5-11 January in Brisbane QLD https://nianow.com/node/1169087
21-27 April in Sydney NSW https://nianow.com/node/1181946
20-26 September in Melbourne VIC https://nianow.com/node/1211179