Nia, an internationally acclaimed practice for over 30 years.

Nia is now taught in 49 countries around the world. Awakening the senses, Nia teaches you to love your body and your life. Here in Australia, Nia is shared with enthusiasm by a lively community that has grown organically since 2004.


Check out the Events page for the latest workshops, gatherings, retreats and trainings Australia-wide. Explore the Blog below for community news and stories.

  • 1st November, 2019 in Nia Practice, Nia White Belt Training


    I was introduced to Nia less than two years ago. I have the pleasure of both practicing Nia as a student and also representing Nia as a client. My role is to manage Nia Australia’s social media and email marketing and assist in their overall marketing strategy.

    I knew that I wanted to attend the White Belt Training quite quickly into my journey with Nia, but I was also conscious not to rush into it.

    For me, it was important that the time was right.

    This simply meant that I was ready to immerse myself fully into the training so I could receive what I needed to receive.

    Today I want to take you on my journey.

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