Nia, an internationally acclaimed practice for over 30 years.

Nia is now taught in 49 countries around the world. Awakening the senses, Nia teaches you to love your body and your life. Here in Australia, Nia is shared with enthusiasm by a lively community that has grown organically since 2004.


Check out the Events page for the latest workshops, gatherings, retreats and trainings Australia-wide. Explore the Blog below for community news and stories.

  • 4th October, 2021 in Body-Mind, Mental Health


    One of the perks of being a psychologist is that I learn ways to improve and maintain mental health.  As a teacher of Nia I know that it plays a big part in keeping me both mentally and physically well.

    To understand how participating in a Nia class creates mental wellness and happiness, let’s look to research from Positive Psychology.

    This tells us that there are three sources of happiness – pleasure, flow and meaning (Seligman, 2002)

    A healthy diet of happiness includes all three sources . In my experience, being a Nia participant taps all three (and even more so as a teacher of Nia).

    The first source of happiness is a PLEASANT LIFE – one where we engage in doing things that give us pleasure. We get a quick hit of happiness by doing things such as eating a favourite food, drinking a favourite drink, watching a movie, shopping, gaming and, of course, moving to music in a Nia class.  All these actions make us feel good at the time.  However, the happy feelings may not last for long.

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